Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Bella Joins Our Adventures

In other news, Kali and I have crazily enough rented a motorbike for the month. We weighed our options and decided it was a more convenient and cheaper alternative to bargaining with tuk tuk drivers. Bella, as we call her is pretty suave if I do say so myself. Don’t worry mom and dad we are wearing helmets every time we ride.

(photo: Brad and I on the motorbike)

(photo: safety first)
(photo: riding around Chiang Rai)


The weekend following English Camp, we took Bella for a spontaneous exploration of greater Chiang Rai. We visited Wat Pra Kaew and Wat Rong Khun. Great day for sure!

Wat Pra Kaew

Wat Rong Khun
(The White Temple)

(photo: just when you think it can't get any weirder)

(photo: even the fish are white)
A few pictures from our trip to Mae Sai, to the Myanmar border for Kali's extended visa. Along the way, we found a great temple and took some photos with Buddha.
(photo: unexpected animal crossing)

(photo: riding north to the border --near Chiang Rai Rajahbat University)

(photo: Bella helped us find a temple in the mountains north of Chiang Rai)

(photo: Buddha on hill --myself in front for perspective)

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