[This post was used as classroom material. In hindsight, perhaps I gave my students a bit too much freedom of speech -wink*. Either way, they seemed to enjoy the hands-on activity of posting their own thoughts to the blog.]So, I believe it is time to hear from my students. What do Thai highschool students have to say? How do they feel about my presence at their school? About the English language? What's on their mind? I teach grades M1 and M4 (in the U.S. this would be 7th and 10th grades). I teach four sections of M4. Below are some thoughts of my students, enjoy!
We are M4/1
I think the time is too short.One year pass so quickly.About our beloved teacher,we love her beautiful eyes, sweet smile and friendly looking. Althought we have known her for a year,
but we think it's the most wonderful time for English class. We won't forget everything we did together. We will keep all happiness and good memories in our hearts. Good luck my beloved teacher.
I'm so happy to meet you. Every English class I'm funny with speaking English. I hope you will be successed in everything you do. [Minnie]
I love Yunho the leader of Korea boyband call DongBangShinKi do you know.I like to play Sung the country’s music instrument from the north of Thailand. I want to tell you “You are very strong beautiful girl”. Don’t forget me. {Mod ^^]
I’m PIM. I love to learn English with you. You has sweet smile, kind, and beautiful. If you have opportunity I hope you will come to PCC_CR again. [PIM]
Before you arrived PCC, I had many guess who is the new foreign English teacher. Is he or she smart? Is he or she kind? When I met you,Kru Paige. You are very beautiful with your blue eyes. The time that we study together is special time. When you come back to your home I hope you miss us in PCC and good things that happen when you stay with us. I ever told you I want to study in USA and not a long time I will go to your country for study math. Are you cheering me?
So long!!! And Good Luck!!!---[Micky]

Message from m.4/2: First time that we saw you.....O O She's so beautiful teacher wow .Do you know, you have a beautiful smile.We learn much more about English from you.In English class, we always happy to learn.You make us love English.Finally,we want to tell you.........We Love Kru Paige very much and we will remember you for ever.We hope you will come back.^^
I'm most beautiful in this class ha ha. [Beer]
I'm the most perfect girl and freshy girl in this class.[Fern]
I'm a fart gal in this class.[Parn]
I like you and your friends (Kali).[May]
Because I'm lovely.[Praew]
I love Kru paige.You're lovely and beautiful.[Yukyui]
wow wow Do you know me I'm a little girl who has big black eyes hahaha.I love your smile.[Guitar]
We think English is very fun and important for us.
Kru Paige is very beautiful 555++ (ha ha ha!) ^^" and kind. [Sai, Bell, & Ploy]
We think English is fun, happy, relax, and not serious. We love it very much if we studied with Kru Paige 555++. Kru Paige easy smile funny, kindness and important. Kru Paige is beautiful. WE LOVE U. [Beer, Fern, & Ploy(Pim)]
Kru Paige is pretty girl. Joke. When I seeing kru Paige I'm feel very happy. Finally I love Paige very very much. [Narenrit (Khong)]
The big memory in my heart isn't lost. "Love you Kru Paige" [Bite]
I love English language and Kru Paige very much. [Golf ^_^]
English isn't difficult when I learn it with Kru Paige. You are a great teacher and you have smile everyday. I love you very much ^^. Love Eng. [Big Khong]
"kru paige" DONT FORGET ME AND 4/3
English is fun. Kru Paige change the world. hahaha!
Kru paige is very lovely and friendly for me. I hope, we will meet together. You make me like to study English language. [Nai]
TO...Kru Paige All of our time that we study together, it makes me to know many things, friendship and true care. I wanna tell you. Our memory always on our mind. We always walk together. [JAMZ] 4/3
Thanks for everything that make me to meet you. It's a short time but it is the best time.
The first, I stu

dy English it is funny. Teacher of English is very lovely. I like to read and speak English because of teacher, I Love you. Thanks you. [ Nam 4/3]
Teacher, I feel fun & happy, when I'm learn with you...I'm happy very much. I feel nice to meet you...I hope we will meet in future!! [Junior 4/3]
Kru Paige It's cool [Lukouei]
55+ I love u kru paige. You so beautiful!!
I'm happy for everyday when you live in PCC Chiangrai. love you very much.
*From photo: "Please remember us. for now & forever. You're my favourite English teacher. I like you every much. Although you come back to USA, But I think I never forget you. [Miw 4/3 NO.29] Ps. I like red hot chili peppers. (^w^)"

WE ARE 404
After we study with KRU PAIGE we think English is fun and beautiful language
.......U can remember SWAY channel by ours ............
In that time we lovely and funny to take a clip
so try ^o^ and very late e e e e.
"we 're sorry"
Kru paige is beautiful teacher and friendly teacher [ "404*]
I'm very beautiful of our class ^^ {view*}
I love you teacher .i promise don't forget this memmory of me with U ^o^
When U miss me you can go to PCC and come back to ours "SWAY CHANNEL" . --
I'm so hot (ha ha ..)[- -*]
U can help me to speak English language "THANK YOU"[Ging]
I LOVE U , I want to go USA wooo o w and when U miss me You can chat and E-mail [ice_SIN_02131@hotmail.com][ice*]
I like your smile~~ ^^[may]
you are good as teacher for me ^-^ [Eing]
Would you mary me ???? (ha ha~~)