It has been a decidedly adventurous move thus far, returning to Tampa to take a job under my past boss at the University of South Florida’s Athletic Department. I have elected to take a role as Curriculum Director for the USF Youth Impact Program, a summer camp headed by a national team which started the program at USC in California just a few years prior (
www.youthimpactprogram.org). The camp is devoted to teaching inner-city boys that there are people who care about their success in academic, social, and athletic endeavors. My job is in full-swing already– exciting and intimidating all at once. I’ve been granted plenty of responsibilities in terms of establishing and maintaining camp logistical operations. There is much to be done and very little time. My hopes for the next few weeks include:
1) A successful start to camp, especially through the eyes of our participants (in the end, it’s all about them!)
2) A hope that my bags will unpack themselves
3) The hope that my smile will be delightfully contagious (and caffeinated, for those extra-long days)